Rev. James E Whyte, Jr. Senior Pastor/Teacher

Greetings Saints, Family, and Friends of Truth Baptist Church.
It is with great joy that I celebrate the rolling out of our new look Website. I thank God for giving our ministry the opportunity to get it right. Please pray for our success in creating a cyber tool that will not only bring glory and honor to our God, but will also enhance the operation of His Kingdom.
It is ironic that we select this time of separation to make this effort. A separation that is due to our being shut out of our facility, by the COVID-19 Coronavirus. I believe that it is not “in spite of; but because of”, this invisible nemesis, that we have embarked on updating and creating our new and improved cyber programing.
It was the crisis created by an invisible opponent, that exposed Truth Baptist as being cyber deficient. We were not positioned to spread God’s Word anywhere but inside of the Sanctuary. It did not take the virus long to expose, that this was not a good position to be in. This new website is but a part of the renewed efforts of our Ministry to correct the previous deficiencies.
New forms of communication are now being used. We have a new conference call line that will allow the ministries of the church to remain connected. Our FaceBook page is being used more than ever before.
But we are also striving to update our audio/visual ministry, as well as our various forms of online mass communication. If you are able to lend us a helping hand in any of these areas, it will be greatly appreciated.
Programs and platforms like Worship Extreme, OBS, Streamyard, Facebook Live, Zoom, and YouTube are being employed, in our efforts to be better connected to you. It also allows us to be better connected to those who are lost, and the rest of the Body of Christ. We solicit your prayers and any expertise that you might have with these platforms.
This area of the Church’s web page is also new. You will be able to look here, from time to time, to hear a word from this desk. I will seek to provide relevant and current submissions that will help to edify the Body of Christ.
Please continue to pray for our church, our State, and this Country, during this time of both pandemic crisis and a crisis of racist attacks on our community. I know that our God is sovereign and is in control, but I know He is calling us to prayer. We the Body of Christ, need to be examples, as to what should be done in times of crisis. We know that “Trouble won’t last always!”. In the meantime, let us remember whose team we are on. And strive to set “trouble” on the run!
I stand at the ready to serve this present age and I am elated that God still favors to bless me with a church family as supportive as you, the officers and members of Truth Baptist Church.
I look forward to the day we can resume our “normal” in person fellowships, so that I can again be greeted with, and to greet with, a holy hug! Until then pray for Sister Whyte and I, as we continue to do what God has called us to do.
Continuing in His Service,
Pastor Whyte